This episode contrasts sinners and saints by focusing on the attitude over the "works of the Lord." Psalm 29:4-5 states that the fundamental sin of the wicked is that they do not regard the works of the Lord. Paul in Romans 1 suggests the same thing, "they do not honor Him as God or give him thanks." (Rom. 1:21) The essence of sin is failing to regard the works of the Lord, or "missing the glory of God." (Rom 3:23) and it is followed by the Great Exchange, where man exchanges the glory of God for an image in the form of corruptible man. This sin "problem" is reversed in salvation. God forgives our sin, and Christians, in gratitude for what Christ has done at Calvary, progressively seek to glorify God by marveling at the works of the Lord. And this is principally done by gazing on the glory of Christ. We are transformed as our capacity to give God glory, acknowledging His works, is filled up..with all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:19)
“Let the King of Glory Come in!”
This episode fundamentally describes all of redeemed mankind's purpose, in light of the end of creation and the heavenly hosts. Ecclesiastes 3:11 states that God has placed eternity in the heart of man so that God's works cannot be known from beginning to end. Man is called to uncover God's works and give Him glory, and this is precisely what we will be doing for all eternity. The angels are presently declaring that the whole earth is full of God's glory. The created order is full of God's glory, and that order of beings with the capacity to perceive and honor that glory are doing just that. This larger narrative, of course, highlights the one creature that seems oblivious to the glory of God, fallen man, who has exchanged God's glory for an idolatrous image (Rom. 3:23). The purpose of salvation should be seen through this narrative, that God would remake mankind for the purposes of glorifying God as he uncovers God and His works for all eternity, giving Him glory. The redemption of the created order should also be see through this glory narrative, which is presently groaning "for the freedom of the glory of the children of God." (Rom. 8:21) Both creation and mankind's hope rests completely on the work of "the king of glory," the Lord Jesus Christ. "Lift up your heads, O gates..that the King of glory may come in!" (Psalm 24:9)
Saved for Good Works
This episode places the themes of redemption, sin, and works in their proper perspective. Preoccupation with sin issues is understandable for infants in Christ, but evidence of true saving faith is that service to God and/or "works" that He prepared beforehand (Eph 2:10) become the motivation for life. The episode connects "service to the living God" with the roadmap of sanctification in Eph 4:22-24, where putting off the old and putting on the new self is emphasized as the means of producing good works.
“Loving God completely: the standard for good works”
This introductory episode defines good works as those that fulfill the great commandments, loving God and loving neighbor. Since all mankind since the fall is incapable of fulfilling these commandments, no "good" work is even possible. The episode answers one objection raised by many that unbelievers can do good works. While works toward neighbor might be outwardly "good," if actions do not have fulfillment of the great commandment as their objective, then so-called "good" works miss the mark. "Good" means little without reference to God, so unbelievers cannot do good works. Repentance from dead works refers to the changing of the mind about one's own sin and abilities to perform good works. Coupled with faith in Christ, salvation is the result.