Tag: Identity Politics

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Loving your enemies: the test of true Christianity

This final episode calls believers to evaluate their reaction to the Trump electoral victory and use it as a mirror to gage where their true identity lies. Our reaction to the Trump victory, particularly how we subsequently relate to liberals, highlights the degree that we have embraced Christ as our true identity. Do we rejoice more in the defeat of our political enemies than in our identity in Christ? Do we uncritically embrace the demonizing rhetoric of the president-elect, even though Christ calls us to love and pray for our enemies? The sign that we are making true progress in sanctification, that we are "sons of God," is loving our enemies.

“Whose side are you on?”

This episode was recorded on election day and appropriately deals with the question, "Which candidate does God favor?" Joshua also asked a variation of this question to an angelic being but soon realized his question was irrelevant. The only pertinent question is are we in step with God's plan and are we obedient servants to His instructions. A real encounter with the holy God of Scripture destroys any secondary tribal identity that one might depend on.

Evangelicals whoring after other gods

This episode lays out more evidence for the corruption of the evangelical church based on its embrace of rightwing identity politics. It discusses the Micah 6:8 inversion in which the demands for justice are placed on others, but mercy is not given but leveraged exclusively for personal salvation. Many evangelical Christians embrace a culture war worldview that is shaped more by Fox new and rightwing conspiracy theories than Scripture. The blasphemous embrace of the Trump bible signals the infestation of identity politics in the evangelical church.

Identity Politics and LGBTQ

This episode on identity politics deals with LGBTQ and the challenges on reaching people from this background. The core assumptions behind LGBTQ and the Biblical worldview are polar opposites. While Christianity teaches that sexual orientation is a choice, LGBTQ defenders and participants mostly view sexual orientation as a given at birth, and just like race, class, and sex, LGBTQ identity is not a choice. This seemingly insurmountable disagreement over core assumptions can be bridged by the Christian's testimony, in which many testify how God called heterosexual believers to repent and abandon their old sinful identities. By asserting that Christianity is an equal opportunity offender to ALL sinners, hopefully we can better reach for Christ those embracing LGBTQ.

Calvary: the ultimate Payback for Oppression

This episode continues the theme of bridge-building to those who embrace identity politics by focusing on the universal demand for justice and the intuitive grasp of justice in all men. Even atheists demand justice when their rights are abridged. The episode explores the ultimate redress of all injustice in the sacrificial death of Christ, where the oppression of all oppressors was placed on Christ. The satisfaction of the demands of justice is a theme that potentially resonates with practitioners of identity politics.

Carnality in the Church can lead to Identity Politics

This episode continues the application of embracing our identity in Christ and addresses the failure to fully embrace that identity in the Christian church. Factions and divisions within the church are sometimes based on Christian carnality in which Christ as our true identity is not urgently pursued. Sectarianism and religious division mixed with politics can lead to identity politics within the Church.

Identity Politics and the Bible: addressing symptoms vs. universal sin

This episode tackles the deficient view of sin in identity politics, where the depravity of human nature is not addressed. Identity politics focuses on symptoms of oppression without dealing with the sinful root of universal human depravity .

Identity politics: redefining sin based on group identity

This episode continues the history of major themes in identity politics, highlighting the role of "intersectionality," the compounding of oppression based on participation in multiple oppressed groups. A brief contrast between Identity politics and the Biblical worldview regarding oppression is provided towards the end.

Primer on Identity Politics

This initial episode provides a brief history of identity politics beginning in the 1970's and highlights the distinctive focus of identity politics as opposed to conventional or traditional politics. The principle theme is perceived oppression based on one's own race, class, sex, nationality, etc. Those who embrace identity politics typically focus on combatting oppression based on the group in which they participate.