This episode concludes identity politics and LGBTQ. In addition to restating the initial offensive nature of the gospel on ALL sinners and its call to a more fulfilling identity in Christ, this episode addresses some of the common objections to Christianity, particularly its abuse by those using it as a tool of oppression.
Identity Politics: Making the Secondary Primary
This episodes addresses how identity politics exalts secondary characteristics of identity, like race, class and sex--into fundamental markers of identity. Racial profiling is an obvious application of such an unjust approach. White privilege and white guilt amount to racial profiling applied to whites. Both are unjust and miss the standard of Biblical justice.
Identity Politics motivated by grievance
Identity politics is actually an easy scapegoat for anyone not finding their identity in Christ, particularly those who haven't gained God's perspective on their grievances. I give my testimony how worldly wealth categories led to grievance in my own life and my embrace of classism, a category of identity politics.
To oppress or not to oppress: the superficial “sin” lens of identity politics
This episode draws the stark contrast between oppression and sin, the respective lenses of identity politics and the Bible respectively. "Sin" in identity politics is largely defined by participation, willing or not, in oppressor/oppressee groups. God is not really in view. This worldview contrasts sharply with the Biblical assessment of man's problem: sin is universal, and oppression/victim status among groups is part of the much larger universal problem of sin.
Identity politics: redefining sin based on group identity
This episode continues the history of major themes in identity politics, highlighting the role of "intersectionality," the compounding of oppression based on participation in multiple oppressed groups. A brief contrast between Identity politics and the Biblical worldview regarding oppression is provided towards the end.