Based on the Scriptural description that the ultimate purpose of salvation is service to God and not merely the forgiveness of sins, this episode unpacks the "milk will do" attitude towards spiritual growth and shows how this nonchalant attitude towards growth in Christ might be a sign of false conversion. True Christians are not ultimately content with their "sins being forgiven for Christ's sake." Based on the born again experience, they have a principle within them that they long to please and serve God, irrespective of the ultimate consequences of sin in heaven or hell. So true repentance from dead works is not content will a "milk will do" attitude, resting in the forgiveness of sins. It presses on to maturity to serve God.
Saved for Good Works
This episode places the themes of redemption, sin, and works in their proper perspective. Preoccupation with sin issues is understandable for infants in Christ, but evidence of true saving faith is that service to God and/or "works" that He prepared beforehand (Eph 2:10) become the motivation for life. The episode connects "service to the living God" with the roadmap of sanctification in Eph 4:22-24, where putting off the old and putting on the new self is emphasized as the means of producing good works.