The beginning of this episode presents a positive description of repentance from God's perspective: God is not a cosmic killjoy imposing commandments on us to keep us from enjoying ourselves. His commandments are the guardrails that ensure an ultimately fulfilling life. Repentance and subsequent obedience are therefore part of the purpose of the Christian life, according to 1 Peter 1:2, where the Spirit separates us for obedience and the forgiveness of sins. Holistic salvation incorporates repentance as an ongoing practice with the aim of obeying Christ more. And all the mistakes along the way are covered by the blood of Christ.
Identity Politics Rooted in Idolatry
This episode provides the grand Biblical narrative of mankind's problem: mankind was originally called to rule on God's behalf based on the image of God in man, but because of the fall, has exchanged the truth of God for a lie, being consumed by idolatrous worship of himself and his own desires. Identity politics' exaltation of secondary characteristics into primary ones (race, class, sex, etc.) is a natural bi-product of the Great Exchange, in which unregenerate man exchanges the truth of God for a lie, an image in the form of corruptible man. The Biblical solution to mankind's problem centers on the remaking of mankind into the image of Christ.