This episode unpacks the Micah 6:8 inversion that characterizes the misplaced focus of identity politics. Micah 6:8 commands believers to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God. The distorted version of Micah 6:8 operative in identity politics, and sadly to say among many carnal evangelicals, is "demand justice from others, love mercy for yourself (not so much for others), and use God accordingly. Solzhenitsyn noted the tendency among all men to address evil out there without dealing with the evil within.
Evangelicals whoring after other gods
This episode lays out more evidence for the corruption of the evangelical church based on its embrace of rightwing identity politics. It discusses the Micah 6:8 inversion in which the demands for justice are placed on others, but mercy is not given but leveraged exclusively for personal salvation. Many evangelical Christians embrace a culture war worldview that is shaped more by Fox new and rightwing conspiracy theories than Scripture. The blasphemous embrace of the Trump bible signals the infestation of identity politics in the evangelical church.
Identity Politics and the Rise of “Christian” Trumpism
This episode is a strong rebuke to the evangelical church that has succumbed to identity politics in the embrace of Christian Trumpism. The infestation of identity politics in the evangelical church rests on the marked decline of Biblical literacy coupled with increasing dependence on political power to supposedly advance the Christian cause. Evangelical support of Trump, who is the master of right wing identity politics, largely reflects Christian demonization of non-Christian liberals and openness to a forceful, even autocratic champion against the left. Christian Trumpism is a repudiation of Christian ethics which prioritizes Christian earthly power over the clear teachings of Christ.