"With all this talk about God's glory, why do we see so little of it now?" This episode answers that question and invites believers to tap into God's glory narrative. The angels remark that the whole earth is full of God's glory, but fallen mankind, consumed with self-centered desires exchanges the glory of God for images, and big surprise, sees very little of God's glory. In salvation, the moral image of God in man is being restored, and his capacity to perceive God's glory is enlarged. This episode calls believers to ponder the glory of God just in the created order, beginning with reflecting on our own creation ("fearfully and wonderfully made") and marveling at the entire universe. Holistic salvation means we can dump the near-sighted, self-centered lens of distorted fallen humanity and embrace our renewed capacity to behold God's glory through Christ. And, if that weren't enough, we ourselves partake of that glory and are transformed from glory to glory.
The Holy Spirit: Our Partner from Glory to Glory
This episode reviews and expands on the role of the Holy Spirit in every part of the believer's salvation journey, culminating in the beatific vision. "He CONVICTS the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment." (John 16:8-11) Christians CALL Christ Lord "through the Holy Spirit." (1 Cor. 12:3) The Holy Spirit CONFORMS believers into the image of Christ. (Rom 8:29) And He unCOVERS Christ's glory. (John 16:13-15) The sanctifying Spirit is our indispensable partner on the road towards the beatific vision.
Conviction and Illumination: Uncovering the Glory of Christ
This episode highlights the Holy Spirit's activity of uncovering the glory of Christ, the unveiling of which leads to personal transformation, according to 2 Corinthians 3:18. That uncovering was initially a dreadful encounter with the God of Truth, as the Holy Spirit convicted the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment. Upon conversion, the Holy Spirit continues his work of uncovering the glory of Christ. "He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you." (John 16:14) The work of the Spirit is indispensable for "beholding the glory of the Lord" and "being filled up with all the fulness of Christ," degrees of the beatific vision available in this life.
Experiential knowledge and the Beatific Vision
The episode incorporates the stages of Christian growth present in 1 John 2: 12-14 into the discussion on the beatific vision. Experiential knowledge of God, as opposed to mere cerebral knowledge of God, stands out as the defining characteristic of spiritually mature believers. In essence, they have taken the Word of God and applied it to everyday life. They experience God as real and trustworthy. Well this experiential knowledge is naturally related to degrees of the beatific vision. As we are transformed by applying the Word of God, we gain more insight into Who God is, His character, and the way He works in our lives.
Beholding the Glory..with the Spirit’s Help
This episode highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in uncovering the glory of Christ, culminating in "being filled up with all the fulness of God," (Eph 3:19), a description that smacks of the beatific vision. The disciples beheld Christ's glory (John1:14) and that very same glory is progressively uncovered by the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Interestingly, this work begins with "the riches of God's glory" (v. 16) who, in the person of the Holy Spirit, strengthens the Christian with power in the inner man. The indwelt temple of the Holy Spirit trusts God more and begins to apprehend the love of God, potentially leading to "being filled up with all the fullness of God."
Beholding Christ’s Glory: the Pathway Ending in the Beatific Vision
In addition to rehashing the beatific vision as described in 1 John 3:2-3, this episode expounds on the theology of Paul regarding this issue, mostly from 2 Corinthians 3:18. While Paul acknowledges that the full manifestation of the beatific vision won't occur in this life (1 Corinthians 13:12), he nevertheless strongly suggests that degrees of it are possible in this life. "We all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.." This description matches the MEANS of becoming like Christ in 1 John 3:2-3. Hope (of the beatific vision) fixed on God corresponds with "beholding the glory of the Lord." This means is the ongoing mechanism of being transformed, leading the full manifestation of the beatific vision.
Faith in God Culminates with Seeing God
This initial episode defines the beatific vision as the direct apprehension of God Himself. While believers cannot have it in this life, believers are called to fix all of their hope in God. Very interestingly, the passage that most explicitly describes the beatific vision, 1 John 3:2-3, strongly suggests that the prerequisite for seeing God face to face, is looking like Him. Anticipating that many would lose hope based on their present condition, Christians are nevertheless exhorted to place all their hope on Christ and His transforming power. The episode notes the difference between our position in Christ (perfection) and our condition. We aren't only justified by faith in Christ, we are also sanctified by faith in Christ.