This episode draws the stark contrast between oppression and sin, the respective lenses of identity politics and the Bible respectively. "Sin" in identity politics is largely defined by participation, willing or not, in oppressor/oppressee groups. God is not really in view. This worldview contrasts sharply with the Biblical assessment of man's problem: sin is universal, and oppression/victim status among groups is part of the much larger universal problem of sin.
Identity politics: redefining sin based on group identity
This episode continues the history of major themes in identity politics, highlighting the role of "intersectionality," the compounding of oppression based on participation in multiple oppressed groups. A brief contrast between Identity politics and the Biblical worldview regarding oppression is provided towards the end.
Primer on Identity Politics
This initial episode provides a brief history of identity politics beginning in the 1970's and highlights the distinctive focus of identity politics as opposed to conventional or traditional politics. The principle theme is perceived oppression based on one's own race, class, sex, nationality, etc. Those who embrace identity politics typically focus on combatting oppression based on the group in which they participate.