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Stuck in Confession without Repentance?

This episode spells out the challenge of making progress in sanctification when one is unwilling to repent. Based on previous episodes, the uncovering of the glory of Christ is the means of transformation, but a veil to this glory often descends when we don't turn to the Lord, i.e., repent. So what do you do when the principal avenue of transformation, beholding the glory of the Lord, is cut off because you're obstinately on the wrong road and unwilling to make a U-turn? You simply don't want to repent. Navel-gazing and fixing yourself is not the answer, turning to the Lord WHERE YOU CAN is the solution. Romans 2:4 states that the kindness of the Lord leads to repentance. Believers stuck in confession without repentance are encouraged to reflect on God's abundant kindnesses. This mediation on God's work, echoing "I believe, help my unbelief," engenders honest confession and partial repentance, leading to more openness to making an about-face and embracing the straights paths of the Lord. The veil lifts more and more, we see our rebellion in light of God's glory, and we fully repent from the heart.

“Lord I believe, Help my Unbelief!”

Building off of 2 Cor. 3:14-16, this episode highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in uncovering the numerous veils of unbelief in our lives, addressing the root problem behind all sin, which is a failure to trust Christ (John 16:9). This refusal to trust Christ in certain areas corresponds to a veil of unbelief which blinds us to the glory of Christ. The solution, of course, is to turn to Christ and the veil is lifted. But we can't simply make ourselves believe God in everything. So believers are encouraged to go forward in the spirit of "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." As we confess the sin of unbelief (1 John 1:9 ) and consume God's Word, the Holy Spirit "strengthens us with power in the inner man so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith." (Eph 3:16-17) When we do our part, the Holy Spirit comes alongside and uncovers the glory of Christ and the veil of unbelief comes tumbling down. When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit and respond positively to His convictions, we progress towards the beatific vision.

Illumination or Obfuscation, Dependent on the Heart’s Inclination

This episode continues the discussion on spiritual knowledge, which is not merely the cerebral apprehension of the Scriptures, but includes a heart that inclines towards the Lord.