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Salvation, More than an Individual Affair

This episode addresses the hesitancy of many in engaging the rest of the body of Christ concerning personal issues with sin. Many refuse to make themselves accountable to others because of a faulty individualistic view of salvation: salvation is mostly about forgiveness of sins but is not about service to the living God. (Heb. 9:14) A natural bi-product of this incomplete understanding of salvation is a failure to see the collective impact of personal sin on the rest of the Body. For if salvation is singularly about the forgiveness of sins, without embracing a ministry dimension, then personal struggles with sin are minimized since the FAILURE to do ministry, working collectively with other, is not really a concern. People isolate and battle sin individually without aid from the rest of the Body because their basic understanding of salvation is flawed. Sanctification and ministry are collective efforts and mirror the holistic Biblical view of salvation.