Tag: Spiritual Warfare

Home / Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare: Avoid the Goading of the Enemy

This episode is a continuation of a spiritual warfare series based on 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 in which believers are admonished to only fight God-inspired battles using divine/spiritual power. The broadcast highlights the numerous ways in which the devil sidetracks believers into fighting unwinnable battles that are based on fleshly categories like "winning arguments, ego contests, the rat-race of popularity, seeking the approval of others, etc. The devil often establishes the narrative that Christians foolishly embrace. Spiritual Christians should constantly be vigilant about the underlying spiritual goals of Christ which is winning souls for Christ and/or inspiring believers to commit to Him more. Spiritual warfare is often less about "winning" verbal contests than portraying the respectful, magnetic character of Christ that woos people to love Him. Additionally, successful spiritual warfare is often less about the evil out there, than dealing with our own sympathies with demonic agendas and devices.