Tag: Romans 7:14-25

Home / Romans 7:14-25

A “milk will do” attitude might indicate a fake conversion

Based on the Scriptural description that the ultimate purpose of salvation is service to God and not merely the forgiveness of sins, this episode unpacks the "milk will do" attitude towards spiritual growth and shows how this nonchalant attitude towards growth in Christ might be a sign of false conversion. True Christians are not ultimately content with their "sins being forgiven for Christ's sake." Based on the born again experience, they have a principle within them that they long to please and serve God, irrespective of the ultimate consequences of sin in heaven or hell. So true repentance from dead works is not content will a "milk will do" attitude, resting in the forgiveness of sins. It presses on to maturity to serve God.

The Role of the Word in Repentance

This episode rehashes all the influences of the Holy Spirit indicative of the circumcision of Christ. Unregenerate man is dominated by the flesh and incapable of distinguishing flesh from spirit. This state changes when he is born again and circumcised by Christ, making the believer better at distinguishing flesh from spirit. But this ability is compounded exponentially when the Word of God is consumed by the Christian. With respect to repentance from dead works, the Word of God exposes us to ourselves so that we can discern what is fleshly and respond in repentance.

Spiritual Warfare, spiritual poverty, and God’s power

This episode builds on the previous episodes on spiritual warfare, with an emphasis on the indispensable nature of God's power in transforming individual thought life. Casting down thoughts, imaginations and strongholds rests squarely on spiritual poverty and total dependence on God's empowerment to take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph 6:10) is in the passive voice, and therefore it commands believers to be made strong, indicating our inability to be strong in ourselves. The subsequent command to put on the armor of God corresponds to human responsibility in making oneself available for God's empowerment. The latter part of the episode highlights how demonic activity is principally aimed at the thought-life and our fleshly sympathies to satanic suggestion. "Triggers" and the dynamics of addiction are also addressed.