Tag: Romans 1:18

Home / Romans 1:18

“Lord I believe, Help my Unbelief!”

Building off of 2 Cor. 3:14-16, this episode highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in uncovering the numerous veils of unbelief in our lives, addressing the root problem behind all sin, which is a failure to trust Christ (John 16:9). This refusal to trust Christ in certain areas corresponds to a veil of unbelief which blinds us to the glory of Christ. The solution, of course, is to turn to Christ and the veil is lifted. But we can't simply make ourselves believe God in everything. So believers are encouraged to go forward in the spirit of "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." As we confess the sin of unbelief (1 John 1:9 ) and consume God's Word, the Holy Spirit "strengthens us with power in the inner man so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith." (Eph 3:16-17) When we do our part, the Holy Spirit comes alongside and uncovers the glory of Christ and the veil of unbelief comes tumbling down. When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit and respond positively to His convictions, we progress towards the beatific vision.

“Holistic Salvation: Forgiven to KNOW God”

This episode notes the skewed focus of many Christians who rarely graduate to the higher purpose of the Christian life, the knowledge of God. Salvation, the way it is taught in many evangelical churches, is consumed with the immediate "fix" of mankind's sin issues, which is ultimately faith in the finished work of Christ at Calvary. Focus on the eternal penalty of sin and its remittance in the person of Christ is not a complete view of salvation. "Sin-obsessed salvation" has obscured the endgame of Calvary, which is forgiven saints who grow in the knowledge of God culminating in the beatific vision. The episode revisits John and Paul's roadmap of holistic salvation where intimate knowledge of God is the goal. (Eph. 3:16-19, 1 John 2:12-14)