This episode further develops the theme emphasized in the previous program, that addressing the negative narrative of unbelievers is often a fool's errand, particularly when that commentary claims to know the motives behind Christian service. Nehemiah didn't attempt to justify himself when faced with Sanballat's accusation that his rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem was really about Nehemiah's personal ambition to lead a rebellion. Instead, Nehemiah simply asserted that God would give him success. Nehemiah models how Christians should respond to naysayers who project evil motives based on their idolatry. He also models reliance on God's power which is the source of all godly success.
If God is for You, Who can be Against?
This episode focuses on Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and how he successfully dealt with opposition. Building on the last episode, Nehemiah repented for the sins of his people, sought the Lord in prayer, and responded obediently to God's favor. All three laid the foundation of Nehemiah's success and enabled him to remain focused when he encountered opposition, which predictably made personal attacks against Nehemiah, recasting his efforts as rebellion. Nehemiah's response models how believers should respond to opposition, refusing to justify ourselves to naysayers and those who malign us.
God’s not through with You
This episode largely addresses the simple response to overcoming past failures in order to be used by God. Nehemiah confessed his sin and that of his people and implored God to use him to rebuild Jerusalem. God gave him favor, even gaining the blessing and resources of king Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem. He and countless others in Scripture were used mightily by God after dire failures. The Biblical response to failure, the silver lining from Genesis to Revelation is the same: repentance and renewed commitment to the will of God