Prior commitment to naturalism in the field of biology has eroded scientific objectivity grounded in the falsifiability of scientific theory. "Punctuated Equilibrium" is an evolutionary theory in which lack of evidence can be pointed to as "evidence." The natural history presented in Genesis 1 is more consistent with the hard data of science than the interpretation of that data by evolutionists.
Evolution: “science” becomes unscientific
The proof that Darwin required to prove his theory has not surfaced. Evolutionists led by Stephen Jay Gould have so altered Darwin's theory that the transitional fossils needed to prove evolution are no longer necessary. "Punctuated equilibrium" keeps the Darwinian framework without requiring the evidence that Darwin himself required. Many Darwinist "scientists" are now adopting an unscientific methodology that makes the theory unfalsifiable. Yet Genesis 1 explains what we observe in the fossil record.
“Punctuated Equilibrium”: when “no evidence” becomes “evidence”
This episode highlights the attempt by Stephen Jay Gould, a noted paleontologist, to maintain Darwinian evolutionary theory without the evidence that Darwin himself required in order to prove his theory. Transitional fossils, according to Darwin, would be the proof of his theory. The gaps in the fossil record in Darwin's time would eventually be filled. Neodarwinists now concede that these gaps will never be filled. Normal scientific procedure would throw out theories lacking evidence. Instead, Stephen Jay Gould has posited a new theory, punctuated equilibrium, in which the macroevolutionary framework could still be kept, even though the evidence has never been forthcoming. Genesis 1 however perfectly explains the fossil recod: long periods of stasis followed by abrupt emergence of new species. A more "scientific" approach to the fossil record would concede the explanatory power of the Genesis 1 account in accounting for natural history.