Tag: Psalm 32:1

Home / Psalm 32:1

God’s Kindnesses: Motivation to Repent

This episode unpacks Romans 2:4, where the kindnesses of God lead us to repentance. Reflection on the Lord's many kindnesses helps resolve the dilemma of many who're stuck in confession without repentance. Constant repentance, or turning to the Lord, is absolutely essential if anyone of us would make progress towards the beatific vision. Without it, veils and blockages obstruct our vision of the glory of God and transformation stalls. Part of the solution to unwillingness to repent is reflection on God's many kindnesses. We are called to reflect on God's bountiful gifts in Christ, how God canceled our ridiculous debt to Him. We reflect on the Holy Spirit's persistent shaping us into the image of Christ, even when we stubbornly resist Him. And how many times, has God intervened and delivered us out of dire circumstances that we ourselves created? God's many kindnesses, when deeply pondered, often lead to reconsideration of our stubborn rebellion, leading to repentance.

Forgiven to Serve

This episode marks a major transition in the series as we focus on the primary objective of repentance from dead works, which according to Hebrews 9:14, is "to serve the living God." The purpose of salvation is not simply the forgiveness of sins. Initial repentance and faith in Christ results in the forgiveness of sins, but this is really the necessary precondition to effectively serving God. Once forgiven, "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5:1) Now we can run the Christian race, which is not about forgiveness, but finds service to the living God as the ultimate objective.