This episode closes out detailing the positive encounter with God's law that believers should ideally experience. Many unfortunately rarely get beyond the first encounter with God's law, which brings conviction and crisis as they grapple with the demands of God on their lives. While the psalmist clearly wrestled with God's law, ultimately resulting in confession and repentance, the vast majority of his descriptions are very positive. The psalmist describes the law as his delight (v. 77) as he anticipates discovering "wonderful things" in God's law.(18) The psalmist at one point is starving for God's law (v. 20) and considers the Law his food. Christ Himself noted that "His food" was to do the will of the Father. (John 4:34) Such expressions underscore the path to true fulfillment. When we cultivate our longing for God and His law/His will, we discover that this second encounter with God and His Law/will results in incomparable satisfaction.
Starving for and Filled with the Law of God
The Christian life is all about the transformation of self-centered desires into truly satisfying God-honoring desires. This episode cites several verses in Psalm 119 in which the psalmist's desires are consumed with God and His law, even to the point the author sounds famished for them: "I am crushed with longing after your ordinances at all times." (20) This language signals the transformation of desire available to all Christians. God deposits in every believer a holy relish for God and His law (Romans 7:22), and saints who cooperate with the process of sanctification discover the beauty and excellency of God's law, which expresses God Himself. True lasting fulfillment is the reward of all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Their desperate longing is satisfied in Christ Himself.
Make the Law Your Rod and Staff
The road to having the psalmist's ways established involves two encounters with God's law. As a reminder, Psalm 119 uses 8 words to describe God's law: judgments, ordinances, precepts, word, testimonies, statutes, commandments, and way. The first encounter for Christians is often corrective: the law reflects God's character and highlights where ours is deficient. When believers work through the challenges of conforming to God's law through confession and repentance, they can revisit the same law and experience delight. God in His grace does a transformative work and now the law becomes the psalmist's delight. (Psalm 119:20)(Psalm 1:2) Believers should therefore recognize that the roadmap of sanctification is a purposeful journey in which we are both corrected and comforted by God's law as the Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ.
Obey the Law through the Power of Christ
This episode takes many of themes of psalm 119 and applies them to Christian living. "The law is given as a tutor to lead us to Christ." (Gal. 3:24) While Christians should always rely on Christ and His merit as the basis for justification, they should nevertheless seek to honor God by fulfilling the Law, which is summed up in the Great Commandments. And, just as faith in Christ is the basis of our justification, faith in Christ is also the basis for all subsequent sanctification. Christ aids us in fulfilling the Law, while He delivers us from the power of sin. In essence, Christians are to keep the moral law THROUGH the power and grace of Christ. Many of the themes of dependence on God's grace are sprinkled throughout Psalm 119, the psalmist noting that he need God's grace to keep the Law. The episode is a needful reminder to the Christian Church to reject the Marcionite false dichotomy of our day which bogusly asserts that the Old Testament was all law and the New Testament all grace.