This episode is a realistic primer on encountering opposition when doing ministry. The presumption so far has been that most opposition comes from unbelievers outside of the church. But Christ's own description of the visible church indicates that both wheat and tare would congregate together. Together with carnal believers, ministers of the gospel should expect opposition and resistance from both groups, who naturally voice their opinions based on the degree of carnality in which they operate. All the lessons of Nehemiah still apply: whether doing ministry in the church or outside, Christians are called to remain focused on executing their tasks based on God's vision for their lives, not dwelling on the discouraging comments of the unspiritual.
You wouldn’t’s a God Thing
This episode further develops the theme emphasized in the previous program, that addressing the negative narrative of unbelievers is often a fool's errand, particularly when that commentary claims to know the motives behind Christian service. Nehemiah didn't attempt to justify himself when faced with Sanballat's accusation that his rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem was really about Nehemiah's personal ambition to lead a rebellion. Instead, Nehemiah simply asserted that God would give him success. Nehemiah models how Christians should respond to naysayers who project evil motives based on their idolatry. He also models reliance on God's power which is the source of all godly success.
Take Hold of the Narrative of your Life
This episode, based on last weeks' lessons, sets the stage for living the will of God this year. 1 Pet. 4:1-2 tells us that believers should no live for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. Yet the narrative of reacting to life too often describes our time year after year because we don't gain the clear divine perspective for our lives. When we "seek those things above where Christ is seated" (Col. 3:1), we stop reacting to life's circumstances based on a divine vision. This episode consequently emphasizes the prayerful pursuit of the will of God, with the end of establishing the narrative for our lives.