Tag: opposition

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“A brick in One Hand, a Sword in the Other”

This episode applies the "half-and-half" strategy of Nehemiah to the body of Christ, in which, on the one hand, we're called to actively work in ministry, but on the other, we protect the progress we've made up to that point. All of Nehemiah's men participated in building the wall, but carried swords while they were building. Every Christian should work in ministry in some capacity, while adopting a defensive posture to protect what the Holy Spirit has done. Interestingly, the primary adversary of the Christian is not the "evil" out there, but his own residual sympathies towards evil, in which casting down thoughts, imaginations and strongholds is the responsibility of every Christian when dealing with himself. This defensive posture is absolutely necessary when actively working to build up the body of Christ.

When you’re Afraid Remember the Lord

Coming from Nehemiah 4:11-14, this episode provides a model for overcoming fear amidst opposition to God's purposes in our lives. When threatened with death by "vision-killers," Nehemiah encouraged his compatriots, "Do not be afraid of them, remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers.." When believers experience discouragement and fear because of their aggressive embrace of the kingdom, they join in the "fellowship of sufferings" that old and new testament saints experience. And all endured opposition and fulfilled their calling by remembering the Lord Who is great and awesome.

Your Calling and the Local Church

This episode is a realistic primer on encountering opposition when doing ministry. The presumption so far has been that most opposition comes from unbelievers outside of the church. But Christ's own description of the visible church indicates that both wheat and tare would congregate together. Together with carnal believers, ministers of the gospel should expect opposition and resistance from both groups, who naturally voice their opinions based on the degree of carnality in which they operate. All the lessons of Nehemiah still apply: whether doing ministry in the church or outside, Christians are called to remain focused on executing their tasks based on God's vision for their lives, not dwelling on the discouraging comments of the unspiritual.

“Don’t Engage Nonsense”

This episode reiterates and details the principal point of the last episode: don't try to justify yourself and respond to the indictments of unbelievers. Nehemiah provides the model. He refuses to chase the false narrative of Sanballat, that he is a rebel, and instead affirms that "the God of heaven will give us success." When God gives us a vision what He wants to do through us, we shouldn't waste our time justifying why God is using us. "To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but even their minds and consciences are defiled." (Titus 1:15) In application, Christians shouldn't expect unbelievers, and even nominal/carnal Christians, to accurately see God's hand working through us. A defiled conscience and mind naturally projects its own condition, and consequently calls good evil. (Isaiah 5:20) So why waste your time explaining yourself?

If God is for You, Who can be Against?

This episode focuses on Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and how he successfully dealt with opposition. Building on the last episode, Nehemiah repented for the sins of his people, sought the Lord in prayer, and responded obediently to God's favor. All three laid the foundation of Nehemiah's success and enabled him to remain focused when he encountered opposition, which predictably made personal attacks against Nehemiah, recasting his efforts as rebellion. Nehemiah's response models how believers should respond to opposition, refusing to justify ourselves to naysayers and those who malign us.