Tag: Matthew 5:18

Home / Matthew 5:18

Keeping the Law, through Christ

This initial episode answers the question right from Psalm 119:5-6, which I believe summarizes the main theme of the entire psalm. "Oh that my ways may be established to keep your statutes! Then I will not be ashamed when I look upon all your commandments." Since the question mostly deals with how Psalm 119 should be applied to NT believers, the episode deals with a common misunderstanding of the importance of the Law for Christians. Some claim that Christians are not under the moral law based, based on Christ having fulfilled it for us. While our acceptance in God's sight is completely based on Christ's perfect adherence to the Law, coupled with His substitutionary death, Christians are obliged to keep the moral law by abiding in Christ. The sum of the Law is love of God and neighbor, and the New Testament constantly holds believers accountable to observe these commandments THROUGH abiding in Christ. This then is the clearest application of Psalm 119 to NT believers, that God would help establish our ways to abide in Christ, resulting in keeping God's moral law.