Tag: liberal

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“Whose side are you on?”

This episode was recorded on election day and appropriately deals with the question, "Which candidate does God favor?" Joshua also asked a variation of this question to an angelic being but soon realized his question was irrelevant. The only pertinent question is are we in step with God's plan and are we obedient servants to His instructions. A real encounter with the holy God of Scripture destroys any secondary tribal identity that one might depend on.

“Who is my neighbor?”–Jesus’ answer to identity politics

This episode challenges believers to repent of identity politics, particularly with the judging, labeling, and discarding of liberals, the favorite bogeymen of conservative Christians. If the great commandments are the lens through which Christians see their neighbor, then the pigeon-holing and rejection of liberals is antithetical to Christian orthopraxy and witness. Evangelical vulnerability to right wing identity politics is evident in widespread embrace of politicians who specialize in demonization of different groups. The Biblical response to identity politics should be framed by Christ's answer to the question, "Who is my neighbor?"