Naturalism is one of the primary stumbling blocks to receiving the Christian faith, and believers should avail themselves of the data of science which supports creationism. And residual naturalism in believers is corrosive of faith and distorts one's view of the sovereignty of God. I give my testimony how God delivered me from the naturalistic compromise of theistic evolution.
Natural Selection and Irreducible Complexity
The irreducible complexity of organs precludes the possibility of natural selection's ability to produce and preserve any beneficial advantage in evolving new species. The eye is a notable case in point, Darwin himself admitting its staggering complexity.
The fingerprint of God in the cell
The simplistic view of a cell in Darwin's time allowed for the possibility of natural selection working on random variations as a viable mechanism for evolution. Francis Crick's sequence hypothesis in 1957, where the order of bases in the DNA acts as a language in ultimately constructing proteins, has since made natural selection an insufficient mechanism for evolution. Randomness working on the language of genes almost always corrupts, and convinced Crick that life could not have evolved here on earth.. Crick's discovery didn't make him a theist. He kicked the can down the road, claiming aliens seeded the earth with life.
The gene: where naturalism goes to die
The simplistic view of a cell in Darwin's time allowed for the possibility of natural selection working on random variations as a viable mechanism for evolution. Francis Crick's sequence hypothesis in 1957, where the order of bases in the DNA acts as a language in ultimately constructing proteins, has since made natural selection an insufficient mechanism for evolution. Randomness working on the language of genes almost always corrupts, and convinced Crick that life could not have evolved here on earth.. Crick's discovery didn't make him a theist. He kicked the can down the road, claiming aliens seeded the earth with life.
Naturalism, a precursor of a depraved mind
The knowledge of God available in creation is inescapable, yet when men persistently and willfully reject the knowledge of God, God can give them over to a depraved mind. It is akin to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Naturalism: is it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Modern-day naturalism, where it approaches willful rejection of the incontrovertible truth of God in creation, is tantamount to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Romans 1 concluded 2000 years ago that rejection of the knowledge of God in creation is inexcusable. With the exponential increase in scientific knowledge, the evidence of God in creation has exponentially multiplied, making modern man even more accountable. Might naturalism be the modern-day version of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
Romans 1: 18-23 applied to the question
The uncritical, even unscientific embrace of evolution by many scientists, illustrates the universal problem of mankind: the knowledge of God is inconvenient, and all naturally suppress the truth and replace it with futile speculations.
Evolution: the de-evolution of science
Prior commitment to naturalism in the field of biology has eroded scientific objectivity grounded in the falsifiability of scientific theory. "Punctuated Equilibrium" is an evolutionary theory in which lack of evidence can be pointed to as "evidence." The natural history presented in Genesis 1 is more consistent with the hard data of science than the interpretation of that data by evolutionists.
Evolution: “science” becomes unscientific
The proof that Darwin required to prove his theory has not surfaced. Evolutionists led by Stephen Jay Gould have so altered Darwin's theory that the transitional fossils needed to prove evolution are no longer necessary. "Punctuated equilibrium" keeps the Darwinian framework without requiring the evidence that Darwin himself required. Many Darwinist "scientists" are now adopting an unscientific methodology that makes the theory unfalsifiable. Yet Genesis 1 explains what we observe in the fossil record.
Evolution: a theory in search of evidence
Key to evaluating the evidence of evolution is the distinction between macro and microevolution. Creationists don't dispute microevolution, the observation that species adapt to their environment. Yet biology textbooks cite examples of microevolution to make macroevolutionary conclusions: microevolution leads to speciation, or totally new species. Transitional fossils, the proof that Darwin insisted would prove or disprove his theory, are "extremely" rare, and persists as "the trade secret of paleontology. Supporters of evolution have significantly modified Darwin's theory, making it virtually untestable and unverifiable, an approach that is unscientific.