This episode builds on the last two, in which a misplaced focus on sin distorts the central purpose of salvation, which is to serve the living God. In addition to rehashing the consequences of this misplaced focus, whether one apparently gets the victory over sin or not, this episode addresses how this approach undermines love of neighbor. Being sin-focused and not God-focused gets projected on one's neighbor, potentially leading to a judgmental attitude towards neighbor because the primary lens for the self-absorbed Christian has become victory over sin. A service orientation towards God is much more conducive to love of neighbor.
Forgiven to Serve
This episode marks a major transition in the series as we focus on the primary objective of repentance from dead works, which according to Hebrews 9:14, is "to serve the living God." The purpose of salvation is not simply the forgiveness of sins. Initial repentance and faith in Christ results in the forgiveness of sins, but this is really the necessary precondition to effectively serving God. Once forgiven, "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5:1) Now we can run the Christian race, which is not about forgiveness, but finds service to the living God as the ultimate objective.