This episode mostly addresses the hesitancy of many believers to engage in ministry based on a sense of unworthiness. Of course, none of us are "worthy" in and of ourselves, but we have been made worthy through the imputed righteousness of Christ. Yet even when believers have a proper understanding of the basis of righteousness, if they don't engage in ministry, the sense of unworthiness is more pronounced since sin issues are the primary focus. The answer to this skewed perspective is the half-and-half approach where believers do ministry while they address issues of sin. Interestingly, ministry itself often unlocks the grace of God, the grace to do ministry through our weaknesses.
Motivated For Ministry and Sanctification
This episode spells out the positive synergistic effect of the half-and-half approach of Nehemiah applied to the NT Body of Christ. Believers are called to actively work in ministry, while aggressively confronting their own sinful sympathies. This synergistic approach maximizes ministry and victory over sin. A life centered on ministry chokes out sin opportunities. On the flip side, an aggressive warfare posture against our own sin (2 Cor. 10:3-4) humbles us and makes us more effective in reaching others for Christ. This episode highlights a balanced Christian life , in which Christians are active ministers in the army of the Lord while they themselves aggressively undo the power of sin with the help of the Body.