Tag: Gen 1: 20-25

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Evolution: “science” becomes unscientific

The proof that Darwin required to prove his theory has not surfaced. Evolutionists led by Stephen Jay Gould have so altered Darwin's theory that the transitional fossils needed to prove evolution are no longer necessary. "Punctuated equilibrium" keeps the Darwinian framework without requiring the evidence that Darwin himself required. Many Darwinist "scientists" are now adopting an unscientific methodology that makes the theory unfalsifiable. Yet Genesis 1 explains what we observe in the fossil record.

Evolution: a theory in search of evidence

Key to evaluating the evidence of evolution is the distinction between macro and microevolution. Creationists don't dispute microevolution, the observation that species adapt to their environment. Yet biology textbooks cite examples of microevolution to make macroevolutionary conclusions: microevolution leads to speciation, or totally new species. Transitional fossils, the proof that Darwin insisted would prove or disprove his theory, are "extremely" rare, and persists as "the trade secret of paleontology. Supporters of evolution have significantly modified Darwin's theory, making it virtually untestable and unverifiable, an approach that is unscientific.

Evolution: the clash of data with theory

Assuming "days" could be taken as "epochs, science and Genesis 1 agree up to the end of day 4. The introduction of animals on day 5 however marks the end of agreement between Genesis 1 and the scientific consensus, as the vast majority of scientists subscribe to some form of macroevolution in explaining the arrival of new life forms. Despite its widespread acceptance, macroevolution is a theory that continually clashes with the evidence as revealed in the fossil record. Going forward, the evidence or raw data of "science" is cited as "scientific" (based on observation), as opposed to the theory of evolution, which is very often contradicted by the evidence itself.