This episode lays out more evidence for the corruption of the evangelical church based on its embrace of rightwing identity politics. It discusses the Micah 6:8 inversion in which the demands for justice are placed on others, but mercy is not given but leveraged exclusively for personal salvation. Many evangelical Christians embrace a culture war worldview that is shaped more by Fox new and rightwing conspiracy theories than Scripture. The blasphemous embrace of the Trump bible signals the infestation of identity politics in the evangelical church.
Naturalism, a precursor of a depraved mind
The knowledge of God available in creation is inescapable, yet when men persistently and willfully reject the knowledge of God, God can give them over to a depraved mind. It is akin to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Naturalism: is it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Modern-day naturalism, where it approaches willful rejection of the incontrovertible truth of God in creation, is tantamount to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Romans 1 concluded 2000 years ago that rejection of the knowledge of God in creation is inexcusable. With the exponential increase in scientific knowledge, the evidence of God in creation has exponentially multiplied, making modern man even more accountable. Might naturalism be the modern-day version of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?