Tag: 1 John 2:12-14

Home / 1 John 2:12-14

“Holistic Salvation: Forgiven to KNOW God”

This episode notes the skewed focus of many Christians who rarely graduate to the higher purpose of the Christian life, the knowledge of God. Salvation, the way it is taught in many evangelical churches, is consumed with the immediate "fix" of mankind's sin issues, which is ultimately faith in the finished work of Christ at Calvary. Focus on the eternal penalty of sin and its remittance in the person of Christ is not a complete view of salvation. "Sin-obsessed salvation" has obscured the endgame of Calvary, which is forgiven saints who grow in the knowledge of God culminating in the beatific vision. The episode revisits John and Paul's roadmap of holistic salvation where intimate knowledge of God is the goal. (Eph. 3:16-19, 1 John 2:12-14)

Experiential Knowledge and the Fullness of God

This episode compares 1 John 2:12-14 and Ephesians 3:16-19, both descriptions of progressive growth in Christ, highlighting how the experiential knowledge of God is the culmination of the Christian walk. In the language of John, a father (or mother) is one who "knows Him who has been from the beginning," strongly implying one who has walked with God in time and has a track record of God's testimonies. Paul's description of mature Christian experience corresponds to "being filled up with all the fullness of God." The Christian has experienced the love of Christ which surpasses mere cerebral knowledge, and his individual capacity to experience God is filled up. Both of these advanced descriptions of sanctification mark the pathway towards the beatific vision, where believers will one day see God "face to face."

Experiential knowledge and the Beatific Vision

The episode incorporates the stages of Christian growth present in 1 John 2: 12-14 into the discussion on the beatific vision. Experiential knowledge of God, as opposed to mere cerebral knowledge of God, stands out as the defining characteristic of spiritually mature believers. In essence, they have taken the Word of God and applied it to everyday life. They experience God as real and trustworthy. Well this experiential knowledge is naturally related to degrees of the beatific vision. As we are transformed by applying the Word of God, we gain more insight into Who God is, His character, and the way He works in our lives.

Master the “milk”…or backslide

This episode expands on the theme that Christians at a certain point should be able to teach the basics to others. If they're not, then they are on the equivalent of spiritual "welfare." Consumption of "milk" without putting the Word into practice characterizes their Christian experience, and spiritual growth is put on hold indefinitely, as they are "dull in hearing." All Christians are expected to grown in maturity into the stage of young men and women who, according to 1 John 2:12-14, have victory over the enemy because they put into practice the Word of God which abides in them. Serving the living God rests on knowledge of the Word of God and mastery of "milk," the foundational principles of the Christian faith (Hebrews 6:1-2)

What true repentance looks like

This episode develops the application of true and false repentance based on the parable of the talents, highlighting the Biblical expectation that true believers will not be perpetual infants who see salvation singularly in terms of forgiveness of sins. "Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" is the secure foundation of Christ's work that every believer is expected to build on with 'gold, silver, and precious stone." False repentance never advances beyond preoccupation with sin issues to serve the living God.