“Lord, Show Us the Way!”

Home / KQ2 / “Lord, Show Us the Way!”
Part 2-
“Lord, Show Us the Way!”
This episode addresses the means by which God would establish the psalmist’s ways to keep His statutes. (5-6) These verses capture the goal of the entire psalm. On the road to receiving God’s assistance, the psalmist acknowledges his faulty ways and repents: “I consider my ways and turn my feet to your testimonies.” (59) This statement indicates repentance and directs the psalmist’s to God’s testimonies. Throughout Psalm 119 eight expressions of God’s way (way, law, precepts, ordinances, commandments, testimonies, word, statutes) become the central focus of the psalmist. The more the psalmist reflects on God’s testimonies, statutes, etc., the more the way of God is established in his life. In like manner, NT believers are called to consider God’s testimonies, i.e., His kindnesses, and the reflection leads to repentance. (Rom. 2:4) The more we reflect on all the spiritual blessings we have in Christ, the Son Himself Who is the Way, becomes our way of life. God establishes our way as we abide in the Way.
  • 00:00:12 – Introduction to Kingdom Questions
  • 00:00:28 – Focus on Psalm 119
  • 00:01:00 – Central Theme of Psalm 119
  • 00:01:54 – God”s Grace and Our Ways
  • 00:03:36 – The Law and Love
  • 00:04:44 – Establishing Our Ways through God”s Law
  • 00:06:05 – Meditating on God”s Character
  • 00:09:03 – Confession and Repentance
  • 00:10:53 – God”s Kindness Leads to Repentance
  • 00:12:22 – Closing Prayer and Reflection
Part 2-
“Lord, Show Us the Way!”
  • 00:00:12 – Introduction to Kingdom Questions
  • 00:00:28 – Focus on Psalm 119
  • 00:01:00 – Central Theme of Psalm 119
  • 00:01:54 – God”s Grace and Our Ways
  • 00:03:36 – The Law and Love
  • 00:04:44 – Establishing Our Ways through God”s Law
  • 00:06:05 – Meditating on God”s Character
  • 00:09:03 – Confession and Repentance
  • 00:10:53 – God”s Kindness Leads to Repentance
  • 00:12:22 – Closing Prayer and Reflection
This episode addresses the means by which God would establish the psalmist’s ways to keep His statutes. (5-6) These verses capture the goal of the entire psalm. On the road to receiving God’s assistance, the psalmist acknowledges his faulty ways and repents: “I consider my ways and turn my feet to your testimonies.” (59) This statement indicates repentance and directs the psalmist’s to God’s testimonies. Throughout Psalm 119 eight expressions of God’s way (way, law, precepts, ordinances, commandments, testimonies, word, statutes) become the central focus of the psalmist. The more the psalmist reflects on God’s testimonies, statutes, etc., the more the way of God is established in his life. In like manner, NT believers are called to consider God’s testimonies, i.e., His kindnesses, and the reflection leads to repentance. (Rom. 2:4) The more we reflect on all the spiritual blessings we have in Christ, the Son Himself Who is the Way, becomes our way of life. God establishes our way as we abide in the Way.

Episode Scripture References -

Isaiah 55:8-9, 2 Peter 1:3, 1 John 1:9, Romans 2:4, Galatians 6:8, John 14:6, Psalm 119: 5-6, Psalm 119:59, Psalm 119:26

More About This Episode -

In the podcast episode titled “Lord, Show Us the Way!”, host Victor Vigorito addresses questions about God, the Bible, and faith through his segment “Kingdom Questions.” The episode begins with Victor greeting his audience and referencing a question concerning the central theme of Psalm 119, which consists of 176 verses. He clarifies that he will not address every verse but will focus on verses five and six, which highlight the theme of seeking God’s help to establish one’s ways to keep His statutes, allowing one to be unashamed in observing His commandments.

Victor explains that while Christians cannot uphold the law without Christ’s power, as stated in 2 Peter 1:3, this divine power enables godliness, allowing believers to abide in Christ and not feel ashamed when examining God’s commandments. He addresses a common misconception within the Christian community that, since Christ fulfilled the law, there’s no need to strive for fulfillment of the law. Instead, he argues that acceptance of Christ frees believers to pursue the law through His strength.

Victor elaborates on the relationship between Old Testament law and New Testament principles, emphasizing that the law encompasses love for God and neighbor, which remain fundamental for believers. He discusses the importance of God’s grace in establishing one’s ways and highlights the psalmist’s petitions for divine assistance in this process.

He points out that the psalmist acknowledges his shortcomings and the need for God’s guidance, leading to themes of confession and repentance. The psalmist’s recognition of his sinful ways and his turning towards God’s testimonies demonstrate genuine repentance. Victor draws parallels to New Testament teaching, noting that acknowledging where one falls short and confessing sins—reflected in 1 John 1:9—is crucial for spiritual growth.

Key Terms From This Episode -

Main Theme: Seeking God’s help to align with His statutes

    Key Points:

  • Christians need Christ’s power to uphold the law (2 Peter 1:3)
  • Acceptance of Christ enables pursuit of the law through His strength
  • Discussion on the relationship between Old Testament law and New Testament principles
  • Acknowledgment of shortcomings and need for God’s guidance
  • Prayer for help in confessing and repenting for God’s way to be established in believers’ lives
  • Episode Scripture References -

    Isaiah 55:8-9, 2 Peter 1:3, 1 John 1:9, Romans 2:4, Galatians 6:8, John 14:6, Psalm 119: 5-6, Psalm 119:59, Psalm 119:26

    More About This Episode -

    In the podcast episode titled “Lord, Show Us the Way!”, host Victor Vigorito addresses questions about God, the Bible, and faith through his segment “Kingdom Questions.” The episode begins with Victor greeting his audience and referencing a question concerning the central theme of Psalm 119, which consists of 176 verses. He clarifies that he will not address every verse but will focus on verses five and six, which highlight the theme of seeking God’s help to establish one’s ways to keep His statutes, allowing one to be unashamed in observing His commandments.

    Victor explains that while Christians cannot uphold the law without Christ’s power, as stated in 2 Peter 1:3, this divine power enables godliness, allowing believers to abide in Christ and not feel ashamed when examining God’s commandments. He addresses a common misconception within the Christian community that, since Christ fulfilled the law, there’s no need to strive for fulfillment of the law. Instead, he argues that acceptance of Christ frees believers to pursue the law through His strength.

    Victor elaborates on the relationship between Old Testament law and New Testament principles, emphasizing that the law encompasses love for God and neighbor, which remain fundamental for believers. He discusses the importance of God’s grace in establishing one’s ways and highlights the psalmist’s petitions for divine assistance in this process.

    He points out that the psalmist acknowledges his shortcomings and the need for God’s guidance, leading to themes of confession and repentance. The psalmist’s recognition of his sinful ways and his turning towards God’s testimonies demonstrate genuine repentance. Victor draws parallels to New Testament teaching, noting that acknowledging where one falls short and confessing sins—reflected in 1 John 1:9—is crucial for spiritual growth.

    Key Terms From This Episode -

    Main Theme: Seeking God’s help to align with His statutes

      Key Points:

  • Christians need Christ’s power to uphold the law (2 Peter 1:3)
  • Acceptance of Christ enables pursuit of the law through His strength
  • Discussion on the relationship between Old Testament law and New Testament principles
  • Acknowledgment of shortcomings and need for God’s guidance
  • Prayer for help in confessing and repenting for God’s way to be established in believers’ lives