If God is for You, Who can be Against?

Home / KQ2 / If God is for You, Who can be Against?
Part 9 –
If God is for You, Who can be Against?
This episode focuses on Nehemiah’s efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and how he successfully dealt with opposition. Building on the last episode, Nehemiah repented for the sins of his people, sought the Lord in prayer, and responded obediently to God’s favor. All three laid the foundation of Nehemiah’s success and enabled him to remain focused when he encountered opposition, which predictably made personal attacks against Nehemiah, recasting his efforts as rebellion. Nehemiah’s response models how believers should respond to opposition, refusing to justify ourselves to naysayers and those who malign us.
  • 00:00:12 – Introduction to Kingdom Questions
  • 00:00:34 – Living for God”s Will
  • 00:02:14 – Returning to the Constitution
  • 00:04:36 – Nehemiah”s Acknowledgment of Sin
  • 00:05:53 – God”s Favor and the King”s Blessing
  • 00:07:19 – Opposition to God”s Work
  • 00:09:44 – Nehemiah”s Response to Accusations
  • 00:11:38 – Focusing on God”s Promises
  • 00:12:36 – Closing Prayer and Reflection
Part 9 –
If God is for You, Who can be Against?
  • 00:00:12 – Introduction to Kingdom Questions
  • 00:00:34 – Living for God”s Will
  • 00:02:14 – Returning to the Constitution
  • 00:04:36 – Nehemiah”s Acknowledgment of Sin
  • 00:05:53 – God”s Favor and the King”s Blessing
  • 00:07:19 – Opposition to God”s Work
  • 00:09:44 – Nehemiah”s Response to Accusations
  • 00:11:38 – Focusing on God”s Promises
  • 00:12:36 – Closing Prayer and Reflection
This episode focuses on Nehemiah’s efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and how he successfully dealt with opposition. Building on the last episode, Nehemiah repented for the sins of his people, sought the Lord in prayer, and responded obediently to God’s favor. All three laid the foundation of Nehemiah’s success and enabled him to remain focused when he encountered opposition, which predictably made personal attacks against Nehemiah, recasting his efforts as rebellion. Nehemiah’s response models how believers should respond to opposition, refusing to justify ourselves to naysayers and those who malign us.

Episode Scripture References -

Colossians 3:1-3, Revelation 3, 1 Peter 4:1-2, Nehemiah 2:17-20

More About This Episode -

In this episode of “Kingdom Questions,” host Victor Vigorito addresses the topic “If God is for You, Who can be Against?” He begins by welcoming his listeners and encouraging them to submit their questions about God, the Bible, and faith through his website, Image Bearer Ministries.

Victor reflects on how to start the new year right, emphasizing the importance of living according to God’s will versus entertaining personal desires. He refers to Colossians 3:1-2, reminding his audience that their lives should be hidden with Christ in God and that believers are called to live for the will of God according to 1 Peter 4:2.

Using the book of Nehemiah as a reference, Victor discusses Nehemiah’s acknowledgment of the sins of himself and his people, and how he sought God’s favor to rebuild Jerusalem after its destruction. Nehemiah’s initial confession sets the stage for his later success in obtaining the king’s permission to undertake the rebuilding project.

He then highlights the opposition Nehemiah faced, particularly from individuals like Sanballat and Tobiah, who mocked him and accused him of rebelling against the king. Victor points out that Nehemiah did not engage in defending himself against these accusations but instead trusted in God’s promise of success. Victor emphasizes the lessons learned from Nehemiah’s experience: that opposition is a natural response to pursuing God’s vision, and that believers should focus on God’s calls without being sidetracked by past failures or the accusations of others.

Key Terms From This Episode -

Main Theme: Reflection on starting the new year with God’s will vs. personal desires

    Key Points:

  • Discussion of Nehemiah’s acknowledgment of sin and seeking God’s favor to rebuild Jerusalem
  • Nehemiah’s initial confession leads to success in obtaining the king’s permission
  • Highlight of opposition faced by Nehemiah from Sanballat and Tobiah
  • Nehemiah’s response: trusting in God’s promise rather than defending himself
  • Key lessons: opposition is natural when pursuing God’s vision; focus on God’s call without being distracted by failures or accusations
  • Episode Scripture References -

    Colossians 3:1-3, Revelation 3, 1 Peter 4:1-2, Nehemiah 2:17-20

    More About This Episode -

    In this episode of “Kingdom Questions,” host Victor Vigorito addresses the topic “If God is for You, Who can be Against?” He begins by welcoming his listeners and encouraging them to submit their questions about God, the Bible, and faith through his website, Image Bearer Ministries.

    Victor reflects on how to start the new year right, emphasizing the importance of living according to God’s will versus entertaining personal desires. He refers to Colossians 3:1-2, reminding his audience that their lives should be hidden with Christ in God and that believers are called to live for the will of God according to 1 Peter 4:2.

    Using the book of Nehemiah as a reference, Victor discusses Nehemiah’s acknowledgment of the sins of himself and his people, and how he sought God’s favor to rebuild Jerusalem after its destruction. Nehemiah’s initial confession sets the stage for his later success in obtaining the king’s permission to undertake the rebuilding project.

    He then highlights the opposition Nehemiah faced, particularly from individuals like Sanballat and Tobiah, who mocked him and accused him of rebelling against the king. Victor points out that Nehemiah did not engage in defending himself against these accusations but instead trusted in God’s promise of success. Victor emphasizes the lessons learned from Nehemiah’s experience: that opposition is a natural response to pursuing God’s vision, and that believers should focus on God’s calls without being sidetracked by past failures or the accusations of others.

    Key Terms From This Episode -

    Main Theme: Reflection on starting the new year with God’s will vs. personal desires

      Key Points:

  • Discussion of Nehemiah’s acknowledgment of sin and seeking God’s favor to rebuild Jerusalem
  • Nehemiah’s initial confession leads to success in obtaining the king’s permission
  • Highlight of opposition faced by Nehemiah from Sanballat and Tobiah
  • Nehemiah’s response: trusting in God’s promise rather than defending himself
  • Key lessons: opposition is natural when pursuing God’s vision; focus on God’s call without being distracted by failures or accusations