From Abraham to Us

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From Abraham to Us
Trusting In God – Part 1

In this episode host Victor Vigorito discusses the life of Abraham and the applicable lessons for believers today, particularly focusing on the themes of perseverance and the working out of God's promises in our lives.

Victor begins by introducing the topic, noting that they will continue discussing Abraham, emphasizing the importance of perseverance after receiving a promise. He reads from James 5, highlighting the need for patience, drawing parallels to farmers waiting for their crops. Victor explains that believers often find themselves in a "middle zone" between receiving a promise and its fulfillment, similar to a dry period between early and late rains. He warns that if not handled properly, believers might forfeit the blessings promised by God.

He references C.S. Lewis's "Screwtape Letters," reflecting on how new believers often experience early victories and encouragement but may later encounter periods of dryness. Victor expresses that such seasons are meant for spiritual growth, urging listeners to dig deep roots in their faith during these times.

He connects this to Abraham, who received the promise of becoming a father of many nations when he was 75 but waited many years for its fulfillment. Despite doubts and missteps, Abraham's faith and hope in God's promises are pivotal. Victor discusses the significance of the covenant God made with Abraham and how that covenant assures believers today.

He emphasizes that all the promises of God come through the new covenant in Christ, suggesting that believers should return to Jesus's sacrifice for hope and certainty. Abraham's hope came from understanding that God would fulfill His promises, just as believers find assurance in Christ’s work.

Victor mentions that believers also receive a down payment of their inheritance through the Holy Spirit, providing a taste of eternal life here and now. He stresses the transformative power of God, exemplified in Abraham's life where he ultimately trusted God's preserving power, even in challenging commands.

Throughout the episode, Victor reinforces three key elements in the working out of God's promises: hope derived from God's covenant, the inheritance symbolized by Isaac as a down payment, and God’s power at work in believers. He wraps up by reading from 1 Peter about being born again to a living hope, receiving an inheritance, and the power of God that protects and transforms the faithful.

  • 00:00:07 – Introduction to Abraham”s Journey
  • 00:00:40 – The Life and Promises to Abraham
  • 00:01:15 – Perseverance in Waiting for Promises
  • 00:01:47 – James 5: Patience and Perseverance
  • 00:03:30 – The Early and Late Rains Analogy
  • 00:05:40 – C.S. Lewis and the Honeymoon Phase
  • 00:08:51 – Developing Deep Roots in Faith
  • 00:10:29 – Digging Deep into God”s Word
  • 00:12:41 – Job”s Endurance as an Example
  • 00:14:55 – God”s Covenant with Abraham
  • 00:17:30 – Finding Hope in God”s Promises
  • 00:20:56 – Understanding Our Inheritance in Christ
  • 00:24:40 – The Holy Spirit as a Down Payment
  • 00:28:09 – Experiencing Eternal Life Now
  • 00:31:25 – Confidence in God”s Preserving Power
  • 00:35:55 – The Power of God in Our Lives
  • 00:40:43 – Summarizing Hope, Inheritance, and Power
  • 00:43:19 – Paul”s Prayer for the Ephesians
  • 00:49:01 – Navigating Desert Periods in Faith
  • 00:51:03 – The Basis of Our Hope
  • 00:57:27 – Closing Prayer and Reflection

Today's Topics -

On This Episode -

From Abraham to Us
Trusting In God – Part 1
  • 00:00:07 – Introduction to Abraham”s Journey
  • 00:00:40 – The Life and Promises to Abraham
  • 00:01:15 – Perseverance in Waiting for Promises
  • 00:01:47 – James 5: Patience and Perseverance
  • 00:03:30 – The Early and Late Rains Analogy
  • 00:05:40 – C.S. Lewis and the Honeymoon Phase
  • 00:08:51 – Developing Deep Roots in Faith
  • 00:10:29 – Digging Deep into God”s Word
  • 00:12:41 – Job”s Endurance as an Example
  • 00:14:55 – God”s Covenant with Abraham
  • 00:17:30 – Finding Hope in God”s Promises
  • 00:20:56 – Understanding Our Inheritance in Christ
  • 00:24:40 – The Holy Spirit as a Down Payment
  • 00:28:09 – Experiencing Eternal Life Now
  • 00:31:25 – Confidence in God”s Preserving Power
  • 00:35:55 – The Power of God in Our Lives
  • 00:40:43 – Summarizing Hope, Inheritance, and Power
  • 00:43:19 – Paul”s Prayer for the Ephesians
  • 00:49:01 – Navigating Desert Periods in Faith
  • 00:51:03 – The Basis of Our Hope
  • 00:57:27 – Closing Prayer and Reflection

Today's Topics -

In this episode host Victor Vigorito discusses the life of Abraham and the applicable lessons for believers today, particularly focusing on the themes of perseverance and the working out of God's promises in our lives.

Victor begins by introducing the topic, noting that they will continue discussing Abraham, emphasizing the importance of perseverance after receiving a promise. He reads from James 5, highlighting the need for patience, drawing parallels to farmers waiting for their crops. Victor explains that believers often find themselves in a "middle zone" between receiving a promise and its fulfillment, similar to a dry period between early and late rains. He warns that if not handled properly, believers might forfeit the blessings promised by God.

He references C.S. Lewis's "Screwtape Letters," reflecting on how new believers often experience early victories and encouragement but may later encounter periods of dryness. Victor expresses that such seasons are meant for spiritual growth, urging listeners to dig deep roots in their faith during these times.

He connects this to Abraham, who received the promise of becoming a father of many nations when he was 75 but waited many years for its fulfillment. Despite doubts and missteps, Abraham's faith and hope in God's promises are pivotal. Victor discusses the significance of the covenant God made with Abraham and how that covenant assures believers today.

He emphasizes that all the promises of God come through the new covenant in Christ, suggesting that believers should return to Jesus's sacrifice for hope and certainty. Abraham's hope came from understanding that God would fulfill His promises, just as believers find assurance in Christ’s work.

Victor mentions that believers also receive a down payment of their inheritance through the Holy Spirit, providing a taste of eternal life here and now. He stresses the transformative power of God, exemplified in Abraham's life where he ultimately trusted God's preserving power, even in challenging commands.

Throughout the episode, Victor reinforces three key elements in the working out of God's promises: hope derived from God's covenant, the inheritance symbolized by Isaac as a down payment, and God’s power at work in believers. He wraps up by reading from 1 Peter about being born again to a living hope, receiving an inheritance, and the power of God that protects and transforms the faithful.

Today's Scriptures-

Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 17:5, Hebrews 11:17, Hebrews 11:8

Have you Really Changed Your Mind?

This episode states that the purpose of putting on the helmet of salvation is thinking and acting like Christ. This holistic description of salvation helps distinguish its purpose from that of the breastplate of righteousness, which primarily deals with positional righteousness, the gift of imputed righteousness to every believer. The helmet of salvation builds on the double transfer of 2 Cor. 5:21 (Christ took on our sin while we take on His righteousness), with a view to addressing the believer’s actual condition, one in which believers still struggle with sin. This struggle is the theme of Romans 7:21-25, which presents the challenge of thinking and acting like Christ in light of residual evil. The solution, which amounts to taking up the helmet of salvation (thinking and acting like Christ), is Romans 8:2: “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Coupled with the subsequent passage, “the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace”, both supply the means by which all believers can substantially have the mind of Christ. Donning the helmet of salvation is radically life-changing.

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Are You Putting on the Right Armor?

This episode addresses the belt of truth by contrasting it with the belt of the autonomous self, the outlook of all who reject Christ. The belt of the old self is actually a lie and corresponds with the great exchange of Rom 1:25, where unbelievers “exchange the truth of God for a lie.” This episode, following the pattern of Eph. 6:10-17, contrasts the armor of God with the armor of man. Every faculty in unregenerate man is devoted to protecting the autonomous self which is principally defined by devotion to the “lusts of deceit.” Some of the armor pieces of the autonomous self are the breastplate of self-confidence, the shield of independence, the shoes of hostility, and the sword of the soul, the word of the self. The episode provides a stark contrast of how believers and unbelievers engage the world. Believers are called to honestly evaluate their lingering sympathies with “the lie,” while unbelievers are called to reassess their commitment to the lie.

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Samson: When One Sin Becomes a House of Cards

Coming from the narrative of Samson and Delilah, this episode posits how God uses deceptive influences to root out and bring into the light our own obstinate embrace of the “lusts of deceit.” While Samson’s obvious sin was fornication, the narrative also paints him as a liar whose moral compromise leads him to lose the lying game to the seductive manipulations of Delilah. About half of the episode centers on the deceptive nature of the “lusts of deceit” which don’t immediately reveal the severity of consequences. The episode deals with many common deceptions that Christians embrace regarding unchecked embrace of the lusts of deceit, including 1)they’re somehow the exception to the rule, 2) embrace of God’s gifts for kingdom purposes renders indulgence in sin a “minor offense,” and finally 3) the bogus conclusion that sin can be managed. All three betray an underlying pride which provides a formidable rationalization for refusing to obey God completely. This monstrous web of deceit came crashing down on Samson..literally in his death. The episode is a stark warning that God takes sanctification seriously and will judge those who “drag iniquity with the cords of falsehood.” (Isaiah 5:18)

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