This episode recaps the resolution of the apparent problem of the source of light described on day 1 and day 4, noting particularly how an appeal to God as the source of light on day 1 makes little sense.
Reconciling day 1 with day 4
Reconciliation of the appearance of light on day 1 with the presumed creation of the sun on day 4 is a natural challenge to readers of Genesis 1. The resolution of this apparent problem centers on interpreting the text by 1) establishing the starting conditions and 2) noting the verb forms used.
Science confirms the Biblical account of day 3
Science in the last 70 years has confirmed Genesis regarding day 3. With the advent of plate tectonics, it is generally agreed that the primordial earth was a water world. This changed halfway into the earth's history with the built-up of continental crust, followed by the emergence of plants. Science has essentially confirmed the Genesis account of natural history.
Science without “scientism points to the divine
Old-earth creationism vs. young-earth creationism is a secondary issue that need not divide Bible-believing Christians. "Science" prior to 1850 was open to the supernatural involvement of God: scientists' investigations were meant to "think God's thoughts after Him." Modern science is largely dominated by naturalism which creates a false dichotomy between science and faith.
Are the days of Genesis 1 24 hour days?
One of the major disputes between science and Genesis 1 potentially centers on the interpretation of the Hebrew word "yom" or day. There are 4 literal meanings of the word "yom," one of which is an indefinite finite period of time. This possible meaning would resolve the apparent chronological dispute between Gen 1 and science.
The miraculous appearance of light and life
The emergence of light and especially microscopic life is nothing short of miraculous. Though Genesis 1 is silent on the latter, light and the emergence of microscopic life occur almost simultaneously, in geological time. Is it possible that the Bible describes this connection when it says the "Spirit of God was hovering over the waters?"
“Let there by light..”
Reconciliation of the appearance of light on day 1 with the so-called "creation" of the sun on day 4
Science confirms intelligent design
Many naturalist scientists have begrudgingly accepted that the universe has a beginning, conceding that "an agent outside of space and time" caused our universe. Many also acknowledge the "anthropic principle," that the universe is intelligently designed. Romans 1:19-20 and Psalm 19, of course, attest to these facts.
Gen 1 and the “anthropic principle”
Big bang cosmology has forced naturalistic scientists to dead with the "problem" of a beginning. Many are now also reckoning with the "anthropic principle," that the universe is intelligently designed. According to Fred Hoyle "a super-intellect has monkied" with physics and biology.
Genesis 1:1 and naturalism
Acceptance or rejection of Genesis 1:1 largely determines the lens through which people see God as potentially involved in the universe. A priori commitment to naturalism became evident in many scientists' resistance to the philosophical implications of the Big Bang, which threatened the naturalistic presumptions held by many scientists.