“Oppression” from a Biblical perspective, communicating God’s heart for the oppressed.

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“Oppression” from a Biblical perspective, communicating God’s heart for the oppressed.

This episode marks a shift in the series with the aim of reaching people adopting identity politics. Up to now, the series contrasts the Biblical focus on providing a solution to the universal problem of sin with the much more narrow focus of identity politics on oppression. The Biblical solution to man's sin problem is the remaking of human identity into the image of Christ. Well this episode builds a bridge from the Biblical worldview to that of identity politics by focusing on "oppression" from a Biblical perspective, mostly from Psalm 82 and Isaiah 58. If believers can communicate the heart of God towards the oppressed and marginalized, and oppression is the principal theme of identity politics, then those adopting identity politics are more likely to be receptive to Biblical solutions.

Episode Scripture References -

Psalm 82, Isaiah 58

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