Make the Law Your Rod and Staff

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Part 8-
Make the Law Your Rod and Staff
The road to having the psalmist’s ways established involves two encounters with God’s law. As a reminder, Psalm 119 uses 8 words to describe God’s law: judgments, ordinances, precepts, word, testimonies, statutes, commandments, and way. The first encounter for Christians is often corrective: the law reflects God’s character and highlights where ours is deficient. When believers work through the challenges of conforming to God’s law through confession and repentance, they can revisit the same law and experience delight. God in His grace does a transformative work and now the law becomes the psalmist’s delight. (Psalm 119:20)(Psalm 1:2) Believers should therefore recognize that the roadmap of sanctification is a purposeful journey in which we are both corrected and comforted by God’s law as the Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ.
  • 00:00:12 – Introduction to Kingdom Questions
  • 00:01:02 – Understanding Psalm 119 and Grace
  • 00:02:54 – Longing for God”s Commandments
  • 00:04:36 – Two Encounters with God”s Law
  • 00:06:50 – The Transformation After Confession
  • 00:08:20 – Discovering God”s Instruction and Presence
  • 00:10:10 – Genuine Freedom in Seeking God”s Precepts
  • 00:11:27 – The Beauty of God”s Commandments
  • 00:12:14 – Closing Prayer and Reflection
  • 00:12:59 – Conclusion and Invitation to Ask Questions
Part 8-
Make the Law Your Rod and Staff
  • 00:00:12 – Introduction to Kingdom Questions
  • 00:01:02 – Understanding Psalm 119 and Grace
  • 00:02:54 – Longing for God”s Commandments
  • 00:04:36 – Two Encounters with God”s Law
  • 00:06:50 – The Transformation After Confession
  • 00:08:20 – Discovering God”s Instruction and Presence
  • 00:10:10 – Genuine Freedom in Seeking God”s Precepts
  • 00:11:27 – The Beauty of God”s Commandments
  • 00:12:14 – Closing Prayer and Reflection
  • 00:12:59 – Conclusion and Invitation to Ask Questions
The road to having the psalmist’s ways established involves two encounters with God’s law. As a reminder, Psalm 119 uses 8 words to describe God’s law: judgments, ordinances, precepts, word, testimonies, statutes, commandments, and way. The first encounter for Christians is often corrective: the law reflects God’s character and highlights where ours is deficient. When believers work through the challenges of conforming to God’s law through confession and repentance, they can revisit the same law and experience delight. God in His grace does a transformative work and now the law becomes the psalmist’s delight. (Psalm 119:20)(Psalm 1:2) Believers should therefore recognize that the roadmap of sanctification is a purposeful journey in which we are both corrected and comforted by God’s law as the Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ.

Episode Scripture References -

1 John 5:3, Hebrews 12:10, Psalm 32:7-8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119:32, Psalm 119:45, Psalm 119:20, Psalm 119:47

More About This Episode -

Victor begins by acknowledging the theme of Psalm 119, emphasizing the significance of grace in understanding the law. He explains that while the Psalm contains a strong focus on laws, ordinances, and commandments, its ultimate purpose is to establish a way for the psalmist. He asserts that the psalmist recognizes his need for God’s grace to effectively engage with these laws, illustrating this point with a poignant plea: “Lord, graciously grant me your law,” which highlights that the desire for God’s law is a gift.

As Victor delves deeper, he emphasizes the importance of longing after God’s commandments, pointing out that many in the New Testament church may struggle with sanctification due to a lack of this desire. He discusses how the Holy Spirit uses the law to conform believers to the image of Christ. Victor notes that encounters with the law can vary; they may initially be confrontational, revealing areas of sin, but ultimately lead to spiritual growth and a transformed perspective.

He then contrasts the two types of encounters with God’s law: the initial, often negative confrontations that lead to confession and repentance, followed by a more uplifting experience where the law becomes a source of empowerment and beauty. This transformative process is likened to that described in Psalm 32, where David acknowledges his sin and receives God’s grace and direction thereafter.

Victor illustrates how the law can lead to true freedom and liberty, emphasizing a radical difference in understanding what freedom entails. He explains that genuine liberty is found in seeking God’s precepts, rather than pursuing a life without constraints. As the psalmist’s heart is enlarged by grace, he learns to run toward God’s commandments joyfully.

Key Terms From This Episode -

Main Theme: Importance of grace in understanding the law

    Key Points:

  • Psalm emphasizes laws, ordinances, and commandments to guide the psalmist
  • Recognition of the need for God’s grace in engaging with the law
  • Challenges of sanctification in the New Testament church due to lack of desire
  • Role of the Holy Spirit in using the law to conform believers to Christ’s image
  • Transformative experience where the law becomes empowering and beautiful
  • Episode Scripture References -

    1 John 5:3, Hebrews 12:10, Psalm 32:7-8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119:32, Psalm 119:45, Psalm 119:20, Psalm 119:47

    More About This Episode -

    Victor begins by acknowledging the theme of Psalm 119, emphasizing the significance of grace in understanding the law. He explains that while the Psalm contains a strong focus on laws, ordinances, and commandments, its ultimate purpose is to establish a way for the psalmist. He asserts that the psalmist recognizes his need for God’s grace to effectively engage with these laws, illustrating this point with a poignant plea: “Lord, graciously grant me your law,” which highlights that the desire for God’s law is a gift.

    As Victor delves deeper, he emphasizes the importance of longing after God’s commandments, pointing out that many in the New Testament church may struggle with sanctification due to a lack of this desire. He discusses how the Holy Spirit uses the law to conform believers to the image of Christ. Victor notes that encounters with the law can vary; they may initially be confrontational, revealing areas of sin, but ultimately lead to spiritual growth and a transformed perspective.

    He then contrasts the two types of encounters with God’s law: the initial, often negative confrontations that lead to confession and repentance, followed by a more uplifting experience where the law becomes a source of empowerment and beauty. This transformative process is likened to that described in Psalm 32, where David acknowledges his sin and receives God’s grace and direction thereafter.

    Victor illustrates how the law can lead to true freedom and liberty, emphasizing a radical difference in understanding what freedom entails. He explains that genuine liberty is found in seeking God’s precepts, rather than pursuing a life without constraints. As the psalmist’s heart is enlarged by grace, he learns to run toward God’s commandments joyfully.

    Key Terms From This Episode -

    Main Theme: Importance of grace in understanding the law

      Key Points:

  • Psalm emphasizes laws, ordinances, and commandments to guide the psalmist
  • Recognition of the need for God’s grace in engaging with the law
  • Challenges of sanctification in the New Testament church due to lack of desire
  • Role of the Holy Spirit in using the law to conform believers to Christ’s image
  • Transformative experience where the law becomes empowering and beautiful